Join the team!
We’re always looking for new members, and in addition to breast cancer survivors, we welcome supporters to become associate members. Supporters help fill the boat for practices and festivals, as needed.
Practices are on Sundays and Wednesdays at Nadsilnich Lake (formerly West Lake), just outside of Prince George.
Please email us at [email protected] if you’re interested or have any questions. All fitness levels are welcome.
Being “All in the same boat” gives us:
- Courage
- Endurance
- Hope
- Companionship
Being part of the NBP Dragon Boat team:
- Provides a personal focus
- Provides support and friendship
- Provides comfort from others walking the same journey
The experience helps our healing and puts balance in our lives. It demands our best physically and mentally and encourages us to share our experiences with others.
Learn more about the Northbreast Passage Dragon Boat team.
Paddles Up!